À propos

Meet smartphone telematics experts

We are a multidisciplinary team focused in smartphone sensor data collection and analysis.

Team 2024

Driving data analysis for better auto insurance

Motor insurance is constantly adapting to meet new demands: creating products tailored to policyholders' needs, proactively tackling road risk through road safety programs, integrating new types of mobility, and adapting to a new automotive landscape with the steady rise of electrified vehicles.


The insurance industry has entered a world where the use of more accurate and up-to-date data has become essential to improve decision-making, to personalise offers and to dynamically manage profitability.

By using DriveQuant's services and driving analytics, insurers can objectively assess road risk, adjust premiums accordingly, and reduce claim rates.

Since its inception, DriveQuant has leveraged the smartphone because it is a universal, affordable data collection tool, and for its capability to engage with the policyholders. The smartphone is a transparent and neutral medium that connects the insurer and the policyholder. Thanks to our algorithms and services, we are committed to support insurers in their undergoing transformation.

Photo David et Pierrik

Our mission

DriveQuant measures driving behavior to reduce road risk and the carbon footprint of vehicle trips.


projects launched since the inception of DriveQuant


Our services are deployed in over 15 countries worldwide


reduction in telephone distraction


reduction in security events

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Our work culture



We use the physical laws and data science techniques to create reliable and meaningful insights for insurers.



Simplicity and clarity of our driving indicators are key to make insurance more transparent for both the insurer and the policyholder.



We combine smartphone sensors and advanced analytics to create an innovative solution for connected insurance.



We share our knowledge and expertise to simplify the adoption of telematics data and improve insurance and prevention solutions.